1 min read

OVERheard: 11/22/11

“Her uterus is probably going to fall out and no one is going

to do anything about it.”

– Neuharth building

“Stop it.”

“That was a delayed reaction.”

“You’re a delayed reaction.”

“That’s a good comeback.”

“Your mom’s a good comeback.”

– Neuharth building

“Rice Krispies treats prove you can make anything

taste better by adding fat and sugar.”

– the MUC

“He’s on my list of goomba actors.”

– Neuharth building

“The stereotype fairy strikes again.”

– The muc

“When a bald man grows his hair out too long, it looks like clown hair.”

– Neuharth building

“Did anyone else feel like they were walking on lube this morning?”

– the MUC

“Let’s play the bureaucracy game.”

– Neuharth building

“Why is ‘waffle’ a negative political term? I love waffles.”

– the MUC

“Watching LSU and Alabama play is like watching two turtles fight — they both have great defense, but I’d rather do anything else.”

– the MUC

“Let me turn off my pocket camera.”

– Neuharth building

“It pleases my beard.”

– Neuharth building