1 min read

In the Know & in the Dark: March 28

IN THE KNOW: The business school bringing authority on forgery and embezzlement and famous former confidence man Frank Abagnale to Aalfs Auditorium on April 16. Could prove to be a very interesting event. Catch it if you can.

IN THE DARK: March Madness. No Cinderellas in the Final Four. Brace yourselves for a less-than-thrilling conclusion.

IN THE KNOW: The Festival of Nations. A great way for students to learn about international customs and eat some good food.

IN THE DARK: The wind. Why is that as soon as it gets nice outside, you decide to whip up and start throwing dirt in our eyes? Bully.

IN THE KNOW: Spring. The birds are chirping, the flowers are blooming. Ah, so beautiful.

IN THE DARK: Spring. The air is getting humid, allergies are returning and final projects are starting to rear their ugly heads. Ugh, so stressful.

IN THE KNOW: The NCAA championship game party at the MUC. A good way to celebrate the end of the tournament, even if you already ripped up your bracket and burned it.

IN THE DARK: The conflicting times of when Easter Break is supposed to start. The academic calendar says it starts at 5 p.m. April 5, but the events calendar says it starts at 1 a.m. So which is it? We’d hate to show up for classes when we don’t have to, not when painted eggs and Peeps await us at home.