3 mins read

COLUMN: Working together, anything can happen

Forty-four presidents ago, we were a nation built by those who imagined greatness and the glory yet to be achieved. The hardworking individuals that built our nation up from its foundation are not to be forgotten, just as we, in our common era, do not want to be forgotten.

As we march forward through time, our legacy is always in question. Everyone wants to be seen as a hero without doing the work that gets them there. They want instant reward in a commercialized life, just as companies want instant feedback about everything from their products to their advertising.

The truth will always seek its way to the surface, and those who have lived a life of privilege while trying to connect to the middle class will be seen for what they are. We all know that life is not easy, and things tend to go in disarray just as we think we have figured out all of the options. That is nature’s way of truth.

Truth or transparency in whatever we do is key, but life continues to send us along a journey that forces our decisions at hand. Those decisions shall be peaceful even when they are hard, and those decisions should lead us to a greater path.

We cannot expect to see results if we do not try, we cannot become the heroes of tomorrow by hiding in the evening shadows of every tough decision.

Nations should not go to war or fight against another nation’s freedoms, as those wars have and forever will be losing battles.

Starting today, we must seek someone who can lead us from a path of temptation to a gateway of transformation. By nature, we are competitive creatures, and when put together, some sink and others swim. If we stop fighting and work together we can all make it through the battles of everyday life and the issues at hand, and imagine an even greater day for all.

If we demand that our competition is a competition made up of greater ideas and of greater imaginations than we will find that glory faster and become the greatest generation in the history of our world.

Overall, life comes down to how you look at it, and the options become as clear as a bright blue sky. A generation has yet to be fully awakened, like a sleeping giant, but when they start to stir, a movement will be created that will be unstoppable and the world will be transformed into a place that is better for all.

Imagine greatness, and take your next step forward in that long march. Together, we can achieve the impossible. Together, we can transform tomorrow by starting today what others have refused to do. Together, we can become the greatest generation.

Contribute to society in a great manner or get out of the way and let others take charge. Together, we can build and change a better world for all.

Reach columnist Jake Jungers at [email protected]