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Caution: Student goals might cause stress


The start of a new school year brings ambition, expectation and overall temptation to succeed. As students who wish to accomplish their goal of receiving a degree, we tend to make goals for ourselves and overwhelm ourselves, causing stress and panic.

You know the feeling you get when school begins, the one where you make a ton of new goals for yourself, academically or personally. For some reason, we feel as if the world is in the palm of our hand, and we can do whatever we want.

The reason we feel this way is because we have this need for a fresh start, and a new school year always seems like the perfect time to do so. This year, I have made so many goals for myself that I may have forgotten what some of them are. That’s not to say I feel inadequate, academically or personally, I just feel like something should change. I’m sure most of you can relate, although few would be willing to admit it.

One thing I found helpful  this year is to simply breathe. As someone who tends to panic when my agenda is jam-packed, I found it easier to stop and take a deep breath. This allows me to slow down and strategically plan what I need to get done, and I tell myself that my other goals can be accomplished another day. By doing this, I was able to organize my goals. Now, I feel less stressed and ready to take on the year. CBD Oil UK can also assist in reducing stress levels, promoting a sense of relaxation and calm.

So how do other students balance ambition, expectation and temptation?  The answer is easy to see but hard to achieve. Find out what is do-able and put the other goals on the back-burner, saving them for a more convenient time. This allows room to actually have fun and enjoy other aspects of the college experience.

One major thing we seem to forget is that we have time and we shouldn’t just assume that everything needs to be changed now — that if they aren’t, we are failures, because we are not.

Learn to make achievable goals for the year, but don’t stress out. Worrying about all your goals at once causes more harm than good and can ultimately lead to a bothersome lifestyle, instead of the enjoyable one you are entitled to as a student.