2 mins read

Do’s & Dont’s: Dakota Days

Please Do

Go to all of your classes.

Yes, it is homecoming week, but that doesn’t mean it’s time to start skipping your classes. This week, it will be especially important to attend all of your classes and prove to your professors that you’re serious about your education.

Have a Dakota Days to remember.

We all know what Dakota Days entails, and, yes, it is important to go out and have a homecoming week that you’ll always remember. So go out, go to the events, and make memories with your friends.

Prepare your body.

Make sure you’re keeping your body hydrated every day and that you’re not skipping out on meals. If you’re attending all of your classes and enjoying all of the homecoming festivities, you’re going to need all of the water and food you can handle.

Enjoy the week.

Dakota Days only comes around once a year and that means you need to spend the week taking everything in and enjoying a homecoming full of fun. Don’t miss out on homecoming week, because you will regret it.

Take in all of the events.

Try to go to as many events as possible. If you can go to all of them, do it, but if not at least make a good effort to attend what you can.

Please Don’t

Forget about your homework.

This week will test your time management skills. The best way to avoid falling          behind this week and missing any assignments is to do them all ahead of time. Use   this week and this weekend to study for all your tests and quizzes and finish your homework in preparation for Dakota Days.

Forget it.

Don’t party to the point that you won’t even  remember all of the good times you had this week. There is a line when it comes to drinking and Dakota Days, try really hard not to cross it.

Over do it.

Your body can only handle so much and you don’t want to spend any time in the emergency room because you went overboard. You also don’t want to spend the day after Dakota Days hating your life, so just take it easy.

Ignore your responsibilities.

While it’s important to have a good time and not miss out on everything homecoming has to offer, it’s just as important to make sure you’re not ignoring your daily responsibilities. Remember: time management.

Skip out on traditions.

Dakota Days is more than a century-long tradition, don’t skip out on any of it.