1 min read

In the Know & In the Dark

IN THE KNOW: Halloween is rolling around just like it does every year.

IN THE DARK: Mother Nature decided to use this week to get into the colder weather mood with a chance of snow.

IN THE KNOW: The Jonas Brothers broke up.

IN THE DARK: The Jonas Brothers were still together.

IN THE KNOW: Speaker Jamie Utt was brought to campus to address cultural diversity and campus safety.

IN THE DARK: The university won’t explain the official reasoning behind the visit, which was rushed.

IN THE KNOW: The university is holding MUC Madness, a magician, family weekend and a home football game this weekend.

IN THE DARK: Students will still find other reasons to leave campus and not attend these events.

IN THE KNOW: The volleyball team will have their last two home games this weekend.

IN THE DARK: The games will most likely be a blowout if the opposing teams’ records are any proof.

