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Letter to the Editor: Dean urges students to use time to strive for greatness

President Lincoln’s inaugural address appealed “to the better angels of our nature.” In that spirit, I write respectfully and with great affection to all USD students — as a first-generation college student and South Dakota kid — asking that you give academic life your very best effort.

After all, few people in human history are given the opportunity to spend four years of their life seeking answers and understanding, following their hearts and minds; less than one-third of Americans hold a baccalaureate degree, and we are among the most educated and fortunate people on this planet.

The data clearly shows that by finishing a college degree, you will on average, be a more engaged citizen, enjoy better health and earn about $1 million more in your lifetime. But those personal benefits only scratch the surface; the broader issue is that our communities, state, nation, and world need your thoughtful leadership in the years ahead.

That’s why so many people invest in your education. Taxpayers subsidize the true cost of a college education. Parents pay tuition bills. Donors open their hearts and wallets to build facilities and fund scholarships. Campus personnel solve problems. Faculty teach you what they know, constantly searching out new information.

We sometimes fall short, but we are all trying to give you a better start in this life. Always give us your best effort here at the state’s flagship university by studying hard, preparing yourselves to lead.

– Matthew C. Moen

Dean, College of Arts &            Sciences; Lohre

Distinguished Professor