Dealing with bullying crucial to avoiding bad situations
1 min read

Dealing with bullying crucial to avoiding bad situations

Bullying comes in many different forms. This includes, but is not limited to cyber bullying, verbal bullying, physical bullying and (sexual) harassment. In honor of Anti-Bullying week, which was last week, here are a few tips to help get you out of a nasty situation:

  1. Tell a responsible adult right away. Professional help is available right here on campus in the Student Counseling Office and is free for all USD students.
  2. If you see bullying happening, don’t just stand by and not do anything. If you do this you are just as guilty as the bully.
  3. If you are comfortable with doing so, respectfully confront the bully in a safe environment and try to talk things out. Never resort to violence.
  4. Lastly, always remember you are strong, you can make it through any situation and you are never alone.