College not for everyone, and that’s OK
2 mins read

College not for everyone, and that’s OK

Choosing the University of South Dakota as my primary college was a great decision for me, because I really like this school. Ever since I was a child, I knew I wanted to go to college for my own personal reasons, and because I actually enjoy school. On the other hand, I know people who decided not to attend school simply because the thought was not pleasing to them.

That is OK, as I am a firm believer that college is not for everyone, and just because someone attends college does not make them better than other people who did not. There are plenty of people who are able to succeed without a college degree.

People have too high of expectations of teenagers as they decide whether to go to college or not. Pursuing higher education is most definitely not designed for everyone, and people should accept this.

I never thought going to college would make me rich, famous and successful — quite the opposite, actually, considering I’ll be in a huge debt once I graduate. Simply going here for the experience is all I am after.

My sister, who is the same age as me, chose to wait a year before attending college, and from my perspective she could not have made a better decision, as she is happier just working and saving up some money for the future.

There are a number of commercials that depict college as something everyone has to attend, because if they don’t they will be losers working at a fast food joint.

This is an unfair judgment, because who is to say that a person who attended college will not go on and decide to be the manager at the same fast food joint, or in another instance, what about a person who didn’t go to college but went on to be a famous actor or actress? There is nothing wrong with either scenario here.

I enjoy the thought of learning so much more and focusing on what I like doing best — writing. For me, the only way I can continue to learn more about  journalism and writing is through school, but others may not feel that way.

Everyone is different, everyone learns at their own pace and everyone has different opinions about college. If people choose to not immediately attend college or not go at all, no one should ridicule them for that.

If a person decides that college is not their forte, then people should respect that decision and go about their own business.