Students should be educated on dangers of alcohol
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Students should be educated on dangers of alcohol

The legal drinking age is not a factor. Students will still figure out a way to access alcohol.

I was shocked when I moved to Vermillion because of the many bars available to students. Some of them are only a few short blocks from dorms.

Drinking shouldn’t dominate a student’s academic career. Studies, graduating and getting a job should be the ultimate goals of college life, not chugging three to four beers in one sitting.

Coming to class while having a hangover shouldn’t be considered acceptable or cool amongst students, and yet Dakota Days seems to be one time where it is.

Personally, I hid in my room during that time, as I’m terrified of coming across someone who’s intoxicated.

I don’t drink alcohol for various reasons, one of which being that I know it would ruin my health.

Alcohol doesn’t give students the freedom they crave: it takes it away. There’s no way anyone can make any kind of a rational contentious decision when they’re under the influence of alcohol. 

Once alcohol enters the system, all rational thought is taken out since being under the influence literally clogs the sense. This is exactly why it’s against the law to operate any kind of vehicle when someone’s had too much to drink.

Loosening up, having a good time and forgetting about the stress of school are some of the reasons why students veer toward alcohol.

Alcohol isn’t a magic wand that will make those problems disappear. If anything, it will only make those problems worse.

Some possible outcomes of alcohol use include: being vulnerable to assault, hangovers or blackouts, just to name a few.

There’s no possible way to have complete control over the human body once alcohol has entered its system. There’s no way to fight back against an attacker once under the influence.

Having no control over the human body due to alcohol consumption shouldn’t be considered a good time.

With alcohol comes the realistic possibility of addiction, making it almost impossible to stop drinking.

Shrugging off the facts of what alcohol can do to the human body won’t make anyone less vulnerable to the consequences of consumption.

College is meant to be a place of education, and alcohol gets in the way of it. Completing assignments, passing quizzes and tests become increasingly difficult the second alcohol becomes a factor in a student’s lifestyle.

The human body is like a machine, and in order for it to work well, there should be some thought behind what goes into it.

Students should consider different coping mechanisms when it comes to dealing with stressful life situations in college and in the future in order to maintain healthy lifestyles.