Editorial: Joining students organizations is essential
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Editorial: Joining students organizations is essential

There is more to the college experience than the classroom. USD has a selection of 178 extra-curricular organizations open to students. Becoming a part of a social or academic organization on campus is a great way to make the most of your experience in college.

A sense of community

The transition from college can be extremely difficult, particularly for freshmen. Because many students are leaving their family and friends for the first time, calling a new place home takes some time. Joining campus organizations can build a sense of community; through them students can connect to their school. Colleges are full of resources, campus organizations are there to utilize them. Your college isn’t just where you will attend school for the next four years–it is your home. 

Finding new talents and getting experience

Any organization on campus provides experience to those passionate in a subject. Joining the campus newspaper if you’re interested in journalism, for instance (yes, this is a shameless plug), may lead you to discover new interests and skills. It may uncover a hidden talent for writing! You may like page design! You never know until you try. All experience will assist you in the job field. Employers like to see hands-on experience, and that you know how to manage your time outside of classes and work.

Alleviating stress

Joining a campus organization is a great way to alleviate stress. From cramming for a big test to roommate issues, as college students, we have a lot of things to juggle in our lives. This could stress anyone out. Joining an organization is a great way to temporarily remove yourself from these situations of stress and relieve a little tension.

Your academics should be your top priority, no doubt. Remember that college is all about learning new information (about yourself, about others, about the world and about life in general), yet oftentimes the best learning happens outside of the typical classroom setting.

Getting involved enriches your college experience, and you will more than likely meet friends for life through it. Bottom line? Get involved! If you’re asking yourself whether or not you should get involved, ask yourself if you want to just attend a university or actually be a part of it.