Finding the right balance

In part two of this four-week series about women’s issues, The Volante focuses on the challenges students and faculty face concerning motherhood and S.D. Board of Regents policies.  When first-year doctorate student Jennifer Elliott first started attending the University of South Dakota, she already had four school-aged children. Elliott and her husband, Dan, who live […]

6 mins read

S.D. university students among ‘the front lines’ in battle against vulnerability, abuse

South Dakota college students going into medical, criminal justice, education and social work need to know what they will face once they get out into the field. Elizabeth Talbot, associate professor of social work, said these students will be on the front lines dealing with victims of human trafficking. “The individuals who are trafficked are […]

7 mins read

Life after a degree

Senior Laura Vonch is getting as much experience as possible to keep from becoming part of the national statistic that reports 45 percent of college graduates move back in with their parents after graduation. Vonch has completed two summer internships and expects to graduate in May 2014 with a degree in public relations and advertising, […]

7 mins read