SGA senators discuss Chicago conference, funding bills at weekly meeting
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SGA senators discuss Chicago conference, funding bills at weekly meeting

USD’s Student Government Association was looked up to at as a good example at the American Student Government Association Conference in Chicago, Illinois this last weekend, according to senators.

At Tuesday night’s SGA meeting Senate Bills No. 53 and 54 and the Senate’s trip to the conference were discussed.

Maria Brady, an at-large senator said she was happy to be a part of the conference, and was excited to find that other schools found USD’s SGA to be a good example to follow.

“Going into this, I wasn’t sure how we would compare to other senates because this being my second year, I’ve seen the good and the bad as well as all the things in between,” Brady said. “So I went in with an open mind and I was surprised at how many good structures we have in place; whether it’s for students to get reimbursements or for students just to have their voices heard, we really do have something, and other schools are looking up to us in a way.”

After touching on some of the things they learned at the conference, such as possibly holding elections in February rather than March to get a better student turn out, the meeting concluded with discussion of Senate Bill No. 53 and 54.

Senate Bill No. 53 is a bill that considers allocating funds to Lambda Pi Eta, the National Communication Association, for their trip to Philadelphia in mid-November to receive a rookie award. Senate Bill No. 54 is a bill that considers allocating funds to the Pre-Occupational Therapy Club.

These bills will be voted on a later date.