COLUMN: Say sayonara to renovations
University of South Dakota students had better get used to standing on shoddy bleachers and staring at concrete walls hidden conspicuously behind large black curtains. Because, as announced last week, plans to renovate the DakotaDome have been cancelled. USD administrators have placed the project, which would have been a part of the addition of a […]
USD teams prepare to host first meets
The USD Swimming and Diving team will be taking a dip in home waters as they take on the University of Nebraska-Omaha and the University of WisconsinGreen Bay on Nov. 2 and 3, respectively, in Vermillion. The season has just begun for the team and Head Coach Jason Mahowald says that the team is doing […]
A Rivalry Rekindled
“It doesn’t get any bigger,” the University of South Dakota’s head volleyball coach Matt Houk said. Even with post-season hopes on the line, Friday’s battle against South Dakota State does not need any extra hype. “It’s always big, always a big match,” Houk said. “Were not trying to think about the post season right now. […]
THE RANT: October 31
The Rant Dear voting public, Ladies and gentlemen, if you truly want to be scared on Halloween, find a time machine and go back and re-watch the entire campaign up to this point. Fast forward back to today, and realize the differences between the two men running to be president of our country over the […]
OVERHeard: October 31
Here you’ll find the weirdest, funniest and stupidest things that we’ve heard during the week. Context is for suckers. “They’re having sex on TV and I can’t look away….and they’re still doing it!” — Al Neuharth Media Center “We’re surrounded by pink balls.” — Coyote Village “Jesus Christ! They stuffed Balto!” — Coyote […]
in the know & in the dark IN THE KNOW: The World Series. Though it was a quick one this year, it’s still nice to see the storied San Francisco Giants franchise bringing home another trophy. IN THE DARK: Vermillion’s lack of a Taco Bell. Thanks to a stolen base, everyone across America got a […]
COLUMN: Republicans- Economy will benefit from Romney’s policies
There is no doubt that President Barack Obama inherited an abysmal financial mess created by Congress and former President George W. Bush. But, that excuse no longer holds any weight. Obama promised to navigate us out of a financial disaster, but has failed to do so. Employment has now crept below 8 percent for the […]
COLUMN: Libertarians- Libertarian Party is fastest growing in the nation
The Libertarian Party is America’s third largest and fastest growing political party in the United States, According to lp.org. Yes, that is correct, the fastest growing. Liberty and its ideals have lit a fire amongst young voters in both the U.S. and across the world. In 2012, the Libertarian Party is running former, two-term New […]
COLUMN: Democrats- Obama will continue to move country forward
The first Tuesday in November is the most important day of the year for our country. It is the day that we as citizens are able to go to our local polling center and decide how we want our country to be run. We vote for the representative we think will further our interests and […]
Letter to the editor: Support women’s rights
Editors Note: Letters to the Editor can be emailed to [email protected] or brought into the office located at the Al Neuharth Media Center. Hey Coyotes, my name is Brittany and I’m a new intern for NARAL Pro-Choice South Dakota. It’s my job to bring reproductive health awareness to campus, and to advocate for women’s reproductive […]