Food for thought

In light of Heart Health Month, The Volante looks into campus nutrition. Diet is a key factor in preventing heart disease — the number one killer of U.S. men and women. It’s midday at the Muenster University Center, and over 300 students, faculty and staff are socializing and refueling with food and drink to carry […]

9 mins read

UPDATED: Muckey and Hoffman win SGA election by 150 votes

Junior Erik Muckey and his sophomore running-mate Clay Hoffman won the Student Government Association presidential and vice presidential election by 150 votes. According to senior Deven Scott of the SGA Election Steering Committee, a total of exactly 2,000 students turned out to vote for their 2013-14 student body representatives. The breakdown of the votes: •Muckey/Hoffman: […]

3 mins read


Here you’ll find the weirdest, funniest and stupidest things we’ve heard during the week. Context is for suckers. “Gosh, I’m sniffing so much today you’d think I was doing cocaine this morning.” — Akeley Lawrence “Best way to protect yourself from being raped? All you have to do is vomit, pee and poop.” — Al […]

1 min read

THE RANT: Snow Removal

Dear Vermillion, First, I know the snowy weather presents problems for all travelers in the city, and snow removal is never a simple process. I would like to start by saying Vermillion has done a fine job clearing snow from the city streets in a quick and decent fashion so far this winter. I applaud […]

2 mins read