Letter to the Editor: State of women proves shocking
This report shows that 14.5 percent of women and girls in South Dakota live in poverty, and that 48.6 percent of Native American women in South Dakota live in poverty. The report shows that South Dakota ranks 43rd in overall economic, leadership, and health rankings. Overall, it is a disturbing report that highlights the low […]
Letter to the Ediotr: Ratio leaves students questioning
As we begin diversity discussions around campus, I am concerned about the men-to-women ratio on campus. As of last year, 62 percent of our student body was female. Our female to male ratio is more uneven than the national average, which is 52 percent female. Where are all the college-aged men? Especially men of color? […]
Letter to the Editor: Dean urges students to use time to strive for greatness
President Lincoln’s inaugural address appealed “to the better angels of our nature.” In that spirit, I write respectfully and with great affection to all USD students — as a first-generation college student and South Dakota kid — asking that you give academic life your very best effort. After all, few people in human history are […]
The Rant: Professors should utilize D2L
Dear professors, Last week was midterms week, or the halfway point for the semester. Most students had tests that were worth a chunk of their grade and should know by now what they got. There is this amazing system on the myU portal called D2L, and apparently professors have forgotten to use it. Maybe it […]
Editorial: Women continue fight for equality
After The Volante launched the first of a four-article series last week which dives headfirst into issues affecting women directly on the University of South Dakota’s campus, the reaction from a number of students — and even some faculty — was why women, why now? This is a completely understandable line of questioning from a […]
Letter to the Editor: University, students show lack of cultural, heritage sensitivity
Patience and persistence were required to write an op-ed to the blatant remark by a young college male whom bragged one weekend to be, “drunker than 100 Indians” on a popular social media page. The remark was perhaps nothing more than a young male highlighting the activities of his typical Friday night. However, I couldn’t […]
When roommate assignments turn problematic
Getting a new roommate can be one of the most exciting things during the school year. Everyone is ready to go back to school and meet new people, so why not get a new roommate? Well, there are quite a few good reasons to be wary of a roommate. This year, I have noticed […]
Awareness of environmental issues is important for future generations
Global warming has shrouded public news my entire life. Features on CNN, stories in the paper or pictures on the internet have shown me the types of problems people are causing around the world. But these pieces of evidence became so prevalent, at some point, I decided it was better for me to simply […]
In the Know & In the Dark
In the know. It has been just over one month since the Apple release of the iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C. In the dark. Rumors are already swirling that Apple is in the process of unveiling the next iPhone. In the know. The Coyotes are now 4-3 after beating Northern Iowa and winning their first road game […]
Here you’ll find the weirdest, funniest and stupidest things that we’ve heard during the week. Context is for suckers. “Not even God could have passed that test.” — Muenster University Center “I don’t care what I have to do, this pirate mission is happening.” — Old Main “I don’t know why everyone always asks me. […]