Dear fellow South Dakotans, South Dakota said goodbye to one of its hardest working and well respected leaders March 26 as Democratic Sen. Tim Johnson announced he would not be seeking re-election for his Senate seat in 2014. The announcement, which took place right here on campus, was a final farewell to one of South […]

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Letter to the editor

Did you know the University of South Dakota houses the second largest collection of oral histories in North America? I didn’t until I began my internship working at this amazing place on campus, and I couldn’t be happier to have found it! The South Dakota Oral History Center contains almost 7,000 recordings on subjects of […]

2 mins read

EDITORIAL: Social media only goes so far

March marks the one-year anniversary of “Kony 2012,” the viral video about Ugandan militant leader Joseph Kony, was released. The film sparked a massive social media campaign to raise awareness about Kony’s controversial actions through his rebel militia group, which included forced recruitment of child soldiers. However, one year after the documentary’s release, Kony still […]

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