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Rep. Steve Hickey Resigns From SD House To Study In Scotland

PIERRE, S.D. (AP) — Republican state Rep. Steve Hickey is resigning his seat in the South Dakota House to move to Scotland and study Christian ethics in the modern world and the surveillance state.

The Sioux Falls Republican has served since 2011, and his resignation is effective Sept. 1.

Hickey will resume his studies of German pastor and theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer, an anti-Nazi activist, to pursue a doctorate at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland.

Gov. Dennis Daugaard says he is fielding candidates to take Hickey’s place, and expects to appoint someone in the fall.

Hickey represents District 9, which includes northwestern Minnehaha County. That includes the Hartford, Humboldt, Crooks and Wall Lake areas, as well as part of Sioux Falls.