Despite Record Attendance, DUI Arrests Down At Sturgis Rally
SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) — This year’s Sturgis Motorcycle Rally is estimated to be one of the busiest on record, but officials with the state Highway Patrol says they’ve actually seen a decrease in drunken driving arrests.
As of Saturday, the South Dakota Highway Patrol has made 200 DUI arrests in Sturgis and the surrounding area. Last year at this time, authorities had made 229.
Highway Patrol Capt. Kevin Karley says the fewer DUI arrests are in part connected to a sharp increase in motorcycle accidents. Karley says when troopers have to spend more resources responding to accidents, they can’t dedicate as much time to patrolling the area.
Karley says the increased law enforcement presence this year and the availability of shuttles also mean fewer people are likely driving under the influence.