Job openings steady at USD
There are currently 56 job openings at USD, according to the South Dakota Board of Regents online employment system, “Your Future is Here.” That number is pretty average, Emery Wasley, associate director for human resources, said. Other than running positions for temporary roles such as teachers’ aides and ticket takers, the job postings list is […]
South Dakota Salmon Get Human Help In Spawning Process
GETTYSBURG, S.D. (AP) — South Dakota’s salmon population needs human help to survive. Salmon that swim throughout Lake Oahe aren’t native to the state, and with the muddy bottoms of the Missouri River and its feeder creeks, they are not able to spawn naturally. They need streams with gravel and cobblestone bottoms to spawn naturally. […]
Rapid City Park Becomes Haven For Trouble At Nightfall
RAPID CITY, S.D. (AP) — Donald DuBray is a drinker. He lives on the streets of Rapid City and drinks with people he calls family. As night fell on a recent Thursday, he sat on playground equipment intended for preschoolers in Rapid City’s expansive Memorial Park, a garden spot of the city by day but […]
Coyotes win second straight game, beat Missouri State
The Coyotes came out strong this past Saturday afternoon with a 40-10 win over Missouri State. Missouri State struggled to find their legs throughout the game. Their first and only touchdown came on a 100-yard kickoff return in the first quarter. They didn’t score again until a field goal late in the fourth quarter. USD started out strong in […]
Kappa Alpha Theta uses social media to promote positive life outlooks
USD’s Kappa Alpha Theta sorority chapter is participating in an October social media movement called #LoveisLouder. The movement was created by the Jed Foundation and actress Brittany Snow to promote self-love, and to show people that under any circumstance they are loved and are not alone. Junior Ashley Rook, who is one of 134 other Kappa […]
Coyotes cruise past Missouri State 40-10
Last year Missouri State beat USD 31-12, but this year was a different story. The Coyotes cruised to a 40-10 win this past weekend and looked impressive on both sides of the ball. “That same team put it on us a year ago, really good, but what a difference a year makes,” said Coyote head […]
Groups Want Marker Set Near Nebraska Home Of Noted Sculptor
CAIRO, Neb. (AP) — Two groups want to erect a historical marker near the home of a Hall County pioneer who later became a noted sculptor of frontier life in the American West. Members of the Hall County Historical Society and the Cairo Roots group visited a spot northwest of Cairo on Thursday where Solon […]
“Venus in Fur” cast overcomes struggles with characters to put on ‘marathon show’
Theatre students presented “Venus in Fur” in the Arena Theatre this past week. Rebecca Bailey, the director of the show and student, submitted a group of plays she selected, including “Venus in Fur,” to the department faculty, who then made the final decision to produce it. “I was looking for something that was a small […]
Sioux Falls Campaign Contribution Limits On Chopping Block
SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) — Sioux Falls’ City Council will consider a proposal to eliminate a $5,000 cap on political action committee donations in city elections. The Argus Leader reports ( ) City Clerk Lorie Hogstad brought the proposal as part of a package of changes aimed at clearing up confusion between city and state […]