October 3, 2016
Biology major faces challenges to build aquaponics system at USD
A new, integrated way to grow vegetables and harvest fish at the same time may be coming to Vermillion. Parker Messerli, a fourth-year biology major, is trying to find a place on campus or in Vermillion to set up an aquaponics system, which takes aquarium water, sullied with fish waste and nutrients, and uses it […]
Students can help alleviate poverty in Vermillion with simple actions
In college, students tend to focus on their individual educations and futures. But as we live in our own little worlds, a community epidemic is occurring right under our noses. As one of the lowest income counties in South Dakota, Clay County is no stranger to issues related to poverty. According to South Dakota Dashboard, the county […]
South Dakota initiative would be beneficial to union workers
On Nov. 8, the South Dakota legislature will release a ballot to voters addressing 10 initiatives that have been approved for the ballot. One particular measure on the ballot will be on whether or not nonprofit and corporate organizations will be able to charge a fee for services rendered. This fee would be very helpful […]