Lawmakers’ Confidence Split Over Funding For Tuition Freeze
PIERRE, S.D. (AP) — The confidence of state leaders is split over whether there will be enough money during the upcoming legislative session to freeze South Dakota’s in-state college tuition for the fall 2016 school year.
Lawmakers responded Thursday to this week’s Board of Regents budget request.
The request includes $4.7 million for the freeze as part of the regent’s push to even the funding ratio between students and the state over three years.
A spokeswoman for Gov. Dennis Daugaard says the governor “likes the concept” of a freeze but must evaluate funding availability.
House Majority Leader Brian Gosch says he thinks there will be legislative support for a freeze and money to pay for it.
The board’s overall request asks for $14.2 million more for new and ongoing funding and $14.2 million in one-time spending.