
The Volante is the University of South Dakota’s student-run newspaper.
The Volante covers topicsĀ relevant and interesting to USD students. Faculty, staff and community members are welcome readers, but the newspaper is written and presented for a diverse community of students from the students’ point of view. The paper should provide a variety of information, entertainment and educational opportunities for the readers. The Volante encourages everyone to write letters to the editor.
The Volante wishes to be viewed by students as respectable, objective, accurate, fair and trustworthy. If you have comments, concerns or questions, please contact The Volante at 677-5494 or atĀ [email protected].
The Volante is distributed Wednesdays during the academic year free of charge locally with the cost of $1 for each additional copy. One school-year subscription rate is $35, which includes mailing costs.
The Volante does not endorse, promote or encourage the purchase or sale of any production advertised in this paper. Advertisements are the sole responsibility of the advertiser.
The Volante disclaims liability for any damage suffered as a result of any advertisement in this newspaper. The Volante reserves the right to refuse any advertising.