International Office pushes for interactive recruiting

Since its creation last June, the International Office has adopted a new approach to recruiting students from other countries. Instead of online recruitment, three International Office employees have each taken multiple recruiting trips around the world to countries like Nepal, Germany, Azerbaijan, the United Arab Emirates and India. Susan Hackemer, director of the International Office, said […]

6 mins read

Recycling pilot programs to start this month

Clara Kirkvold, a first-year earth science major, was assigned a project in her sustainability class this fall. When looking around her North Complex dorm, she realized there weren’t resources for recycling on individual floors, so she decided to set a recycling bin in her kitchen. When it gets full, about once a week, she hauls it to the recycling center. […]

5 mins read

SGA hopefuls gathering signatures as elections approach

Student Government Association elections are fast approaching, with less than a month until voting opens. Leading up until Feb. 28, students will see more and more SGA senators and hopeful senators petitioning and campaigning to get seats. According to the SGA website, the organization serves as a bridge between the students and the South Dakota Board of […]

3 mins read