Theft of newspapers sets a new precedent

The University of South Dakota’s Student Publication Board held a meeting Tuesday night to discuss the recent newspaper theft. Late Oct. 31, Volante staff members noticed copies of the paper missing from several locations on campus. University faculty and police were alerted that same night, and by the next morning, the newspapers had been returned. […]

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University Senate makes plans to involve students

The Student Government Association and University Senate have initiated efforts to increase communication between the two organizations. The University Senate is a predominately elected faculty-led organization, with two student positions filled by SGA President Alissa VanMeeteran and Vice PresidentDJ Smith. SGA is entirely comprised of elected students. The University Senate plans to send a senator […]

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University accepts students based on ACT scores, GPAs, not race

A U.S. Supreme Court case will not change the University of South Dakota’s attitude toward admissions. Fisher v. University of Texas surrounds a student who claims she was denied admission to Texas because she is Caucasian. A ruling in favor of Abigail Fisher means the Supreme Court has deemed affirmative action unconstitutional and no longer […]

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Library moves research materials online

The I.D. Weeks Library is in the process of moving its material onto digital databases. While not necessarily replacing physical collections, the library is increasing its use of online journals, documents, textbooks and other works within the school’s database. Though the University of South Dakota’s library has been working with digital content for quite some […]

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S.D. BOR honors student groups

Three student organizations from the University of South Dakota were recognized at the South Dakota Board of Regents meeting Oct. 10 for their outstanding academic, community and organizational work. The Panhellenic Council received the BOR’s Award for Academic Excellence. Panhellenic Council’s focus on academic success is demonstrated by the average GPA of the sorority community, […]

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Marketing, admissions departments develop strategies for enrollment

Along with attempts to enroll a larger first-year class, the University of South Dakota worked to piece together a geographically diverse one as well. Devoid of high school visits from university representatives, first-years from faraway states often learn about USD from word of mouth. “I found out basically through my parents. My dad told me […]

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