Alpha Xi Delta launches campaign for new chapter house

What started as an upgrade to the plumbing system has become a $2.6 million project for the USD chapter of Alpha Xi Delta. The sorority recently announced their plans to build a new chapter house in its current location in a campaign called Coming Home: The Campaign for 214 North Plum. Alpha Xi Delta has been planning for the project […]

4 mins read

Updated testing clickers to be utilized at USD

It’s nothing more than a little remote — but that one little remote is getting a big upgrade. TurningPoint Technologies, the vendor that provides USD with its testing clickers, has progressed from their old audience response software to a newer model that exists within “the Cloud.” Cheryl Tiahrt, the assistant vice president of technology, said in […]

2 mins read

Fire regulation exemption provides option for students to freely practice spiritual rituals

Housing policy says students shouldn’t have any sort of fire hazards in their dorms; however, if a student practices a religion with something that isn’t allowed in the dorms they can get an exemption. Religious scholar and professor, Stephen Miller, is familiar with the process students go through to get an exemption. He said it’s […]

3 mins read