Lawsuit prompts academic misconduct procedure change

A new policy is changing the way University of South Dakota faculty must handle cases of academic misconduct. Staff at the South Dakota Board of Regents made clarifications on academic misconduct procedures, which are now being implemented at all six regental institutions. Kurt Hackemer, associate vice president for Academic Affairs, said the policy clarifications had […]

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SGA taskforce gives recommendation for mandatory education and position for inclusive excellence

A taskforce dedicated to senate inclusiveness delivered a recommendation to the Student Government Association Tuesday night that called for mandatory education training and the creation of a SGA Inclusive Excellence Coordinator. Headed by SGA Senator Tyler Tordsen, the ad-hoc committee recommended an educational component to be required for SGA senators and executive team. Some of […]

1 min read

D2L to be required in courses, Faculty Senate to mandate online interaction

The University of South Dakota Faculty Senate is endorsing a new policy requiring all 100 and 200-level course instructors to use the Desire2Learn grade book feature and post a syllabus. According to the Faculty Senate minutes, the proposal was presented on behalf of the office of academic affairs and approved by the faculty senate at […]

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