“Onward” to $250 million

Story by: Trent Opstedahl and Alex Shaefbaur University of South Dakota leaders are a quarter of the way through completing a seven-year, $250 million fundraising campaign, making it the largest philanthropic drive in the university’s history. A comprehensive campaign impacting the entire USD campus, the “Onward South Dakota” campaign is expected to increase student scholarship funds, […]

6 mins read

Arena design up in the air

Original design plans for the new athletic facility put it underground and on the same level as the DakotaDome, but after construction of the DakotaDome in 1979 revealed water table issues, the new facility may be moving above ground. “The Dome was built on a slew, and there were some water table issues there in […]

4 mins read

Disaster Roommate

When coming to college, students are forced to deal with all sorts of challenges and adapt to different situations. And one of those challenges can be dealing with their roommate. Whether it be from random selection or hand-picked that person the living situation can sometimes prove to be difficult. Sophomore Shelby Carlson was forced to […]

5 mins read