Iowa collegiate speaker advocates LGBT equality
Having been rasied by Jackie and Terri Wahls, a lesbian couple, Zach Wahls has his fair share of family stories that he believes could resolve several misperceptions often construed upon same-sex parenthood. Wahls, a University of Iowa student, addressed same-sex marriage and gender equality to over 100 University of South Dakota students and Vermillion community […]
DakotaCare mishap costs USD $561,200
The University of South Dakota is facing $561,200 in mid-year employee health insurance increases for the 2013 fiscal year according to USD provost Chuck Staben. Jessica Preister, USD director of budget and finance, said the original estimated cost of health insurance was $6,335 per employee, and has risen to $7,950 per employee. The $1,615 increase […]
USD struggles with bandwidth demand
The University of South Dakota is just one of many United States colleges trying to keep up with an increased demand for faster, newer and better technology. One of the most important technological aspects of a modern student’s life is Internet access, and a fall 2012 mobile computing survey found 25 percent of 657 USD […]
Business school, enrollment attract Eagle Creek
Eagle Creek Software Services’ decision to partner with the University of South Dakota has direct ties to the university’s large enrollment quantities along with the Beacom School of Business, said USD President Jim Abbott. The partnership, which was announced last week by Gov. Dennis Daugaard on the USD campus, will involve the integration of a […]
USD grads make least in the U.S.
University of South Dakota graduates earn the least in median starting salary among all 50 state “flagship” schools in the country, according to Recent graduates from Vermillion earn, on average, $35,900. In comparison, the University of California-Berkeley graduates made the most at $53,900, reported CBS News. Salary information was collected from, a research […]
Iraq War anniversary hits home
It was early evening, Jan. 17, 2003. The phone rang. “Raging Bull, Raging Bull. You’ve been mobilized.” Within three days, Leighann Dunn was on a military base for training, and within three months, she was on the ground in Kuwait, waiting to cross the border into Iraq. She was 18 years old. “Stepping off the […]
Students feel ‘alive to their faith’ at the election of Pope Francis
The tension was nearly palpable as a group of young Catholics awaited any sign of white smoke from the chimney of the Sistine Chapel. But they were not among the masses gathered at the Vatican; they were instead huddled around a TV screen in the University of South Dakota’s Newman Center. Sophomore Amber Ewers was […]
Muckey, Hoffman sworn in as SGA executive team
The March 12 Student Government Association meeting saw a transition in leadership as new senators and a new executive team was sworn in. Former SGA President Alissa VanMeeteren and Vice President DJ Smith presented a list of proposed changes for the new administration and expressed gratitude for the opportunity to lead SGA before formally swearing […]
Law school reaches out to students
It is never too early to begin searching for potential law students and the University of School at Dakota School of Law. The Law School will hold its Discover Law Day Feb. 27 on the campus of USD. Assistant Dean Thomas Sorensen, who helped foster the idea behind Discover Law Day, said the event welcomes […]
Food for thought
In light of Heart Health Month, The Volante looks into campus nutrition. Diet is a key factor in preventing heart disease — the number one killer of U.S. men and women. It’s midday at the Muenster University Center, and over 300 students, faculty and staff are socializing and refueling with food and drink to carry […]