UPDATED: Muckey and Hoffman win SGA election by 150 votes

Junior Erik Muckey and his sophomore running-mate Clay Hoffman won the Student Government Association presidential and vice presidential election by 150 votes. According to senior Deven Scott of the SGA Election Steering Committee, a total of exactly 2,000 students turned out to vote for their 2013-14 student body representatives. The breakdown of the votes: •Muckey/Hoffman: […]

3 mins read

Technology enters the classroom

While most students have smartphones and laptops, the problems of distractions arise. Lack of text in the University of South Dakota student handbook regarding the use of cell phones or laptops by students during class gives USD professors full discretion. Psychology professor Barbara Yutrzenka leaves the responsibility of learning her material in the hands of […]

4 mins read

USD professor develops invisible QR codes

University of South Dakota professor Stanley May, along with researchers and engineers from the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, have developed an “invisible” Quick Response code. They are hoping the new technology can help combat security counterfeiting and forgery. Over the past few years, May, who developed a clear ink solvent integrated with […]

3 mins read

Bollinger, Muckey campaigns propose different solutions to campus hot topics

At the annual Student Government Association presidential debate, presidential candidates answered questions posed by the Cross Media Council and students in attendance. Junior Jilanne Doom moderated the debate, and posed questions to the candidates on a variety of topics, including how they would handle negative publicity, the newly instated smoking ban, how they plan to […]

5 mins read

SGA discusses upcoming election

The University of South Dakota Student Government Association met briefly Feb. 19 to discuss current issues on campus. Senators motioned to pass a resolution stating their recognition and appreciation of all university faculty and staff who assisted students during the Coyote Village pipe burst and consequent relocation in late January. Senators briefly discussed the General […]

1 min read