Library moves research materials online

The I.D. Weeks Library is in the process of moving its material onto digital databases. While not necessarily replacing physical collections, the library is increasing its use of online journals, documents, textbooks and other works within the school’s database. Though the University of South Dakota’s library has been working with digital content for quite some […]

3 mins read

Fraternity formal ends with underage consumption citations

Approximately 30 University of South Dakota students were cited for underage drinking at a Minnesota hotel Oct. 26. The students had been celebrating a formal of USD’s chapter of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity at Jackpot Junction Casino Hotel in Morton, Minn. The incident was confirmed by Brian Pendleton, general manager of the casino hotel. […]

1 min read

College political parties discuss issues

Referred Law 16, the job market, American involvement in Libya and energy independence were the main topics of the Political Science League’s debate Oct. 24. The debate opened with senior Teresa Johnson, acting as mediator, explaining the rules of the game. The College Democrats, College Republicans and College Libertarians were each represented by three speakers […]

5 mins read

Partisan ties that bind

South Dakota Public Broadcasting hosted a debate Oct. 18 on the University of South campus between U.S. Rep. Kristi Noem (R-S.D.) and her Democratic opponent Matt Varilek. The debate, which took place in the SDPB studio, featured questions from South Dakotans and covered topics like agriculture, climate change, healthcare, Social Security, taxes, weapons control and […]

2 mins read

SGA receives grant for smoking ban, philanthropy

The Student Government Association passed a motion to support the University of South Dakota’s diversity and inclusiveness statement Oct. 23. The statement, presented by Associate Vice President for Diversity Jesus Trevino, would create a broad definition of diversity. The motion passed without opposition. “Inclusiveness is about many different communities,” Trevino said. Trevino said he wants inclusiveness […]

1 min read