Vandalism around Vermillion under investigation
Vermillion was hit early Sunday morning with string of vandalisms across the town. More than 20 properties received damage, including: residences, University of South Dakota Greek houses, street signs, vehicles, a riding lawn mower and buildings on the USD campus. All of the properties received similar damage done with markers and paint. The Vermillion Police department […]
Academic scholarships provide students with aid
As the Board of Regents increases tuition at South Dakota’s state universities, students must find ways to pay for college. By applying for scholarships offered by the state and individual universities, students have the opportunity to receive funding that they never have to pay back, as long as they meet the requirements. For South Dakota […]
Smoking ban put in students’ hands
At the University of South Dakota, it has been almost five months since the Student Government Association passed a smoke-free campus resolution. Now, as the school year comes to a close, USD has yet to see a smoking ban implemented on campus. For SGA President Alissa VanMeeteren, the creation and implementation of a smoking ban […]
Summer gives students time for classes
The University of South Dakota offers summer courses to its students, but some students might be wondering if it’s worth it. Academic adviser Steve Ward said taking a summer course can benefit a number of students in various ways. “If students have time during the summer and they are either interested in getting through school […]
Jepsen wins international recognition
The Fulbright Scholarship Program is a collaborative effort between the United States and 155 other countries. A highly competitive program, the Fulbright sends about 1,500 professors and scholars around the world each year to lecture and conduct research. University of South Dakota assistant professor of political science Eric Jepsen will travel to Kerala, India, during […]
Students rate teaching abilities, courses
As half the class races to finish their course evaluations and the other half quietly contemplates the questions before them, it is ultimately University of South Dakota staff like Angie Logue who have to sift through end of the semester evaluations. Logue, who is a secretary for the biology department spends at least three full […]
Campus Open Forum to be held for Dean of Students candidate
Students are invited to a Campus Open Forum to meet Michael C. McKinney, a candidate for the Dean of Students position at the University of South Dakota. Students will have the chance to meet McKinney and ask questions on Tuesday from 2:15-3:15 in Muenster University Center room clomid online no prescription Please see […]
USD students seize entrepreneurship
One recording/photography studio, two company cars, 25 employees and $75,000 worth of assets later, the University of South Dakota student-driven company, LLC, is just one local example of students pursuing their entrepreneurial endeavors along with an education. Aided by USD’s Beacom School of Business and organizations like the Collegiate Entrepreneurship Organization (CEO), USD student entrepreneurs […]
Staben interview stirs controversy
University of South Dakota Provost Chuck Staben may be contending for the president position at Wichita State University, but a recent interview session on the Wichita campus has caused some students to question Staben’s attitude toward USD. According to an article by The Wichita Eagle, Staben said his reason for applying for the Kansas-based position […]
April brings drunk driving awareness
Although driving under the influence is illegal, more than 9,000 people were arrested in 2010 in South Dakota, according to the Department of Public Safety. To combat drunk driving, April is Parents Matter month. Throughout the month, parents are encouraged to talk about the dangers of drunk driving with their children. Drunk driving is a […]