Workroom to open for students
A new student organization workroom will soon be ready for use in the Muenster University Center. Donating $20,000 to the new workroom, the University of South Dakota Student Government Association is in the process of determining the best way to allocate the usage of the space to student organizations. The university has matched SGA’s donation […]
SGA taskforce gives recommendation for mandatory education and position for inclusive excellence
A taskforce dedicated to senate inclusiveness delivered a recommendation to the Student Government Association Tuesday night that called for mandatory education training and the creation of a SGA Inclusive Excellence Coordinator. Headed by SGA Senator Tyler Tordsen, the ad-hoc committee recommended an educational component to be required for SGA senators and executive team. Some of […]
Bill 62 committee deadline extended additional week
The deadline for a task force committee to present their recommendation on Senate Bill 62 to the University of South Dakota’s Student Government Association has been extended an additional week to Feb. 4. A recommendation was scheduled to be presented to SGA Jan. 28, but the deadline has been extended to Feb. 4 due to […]
SGA supports county alcohol diversion program
The University of South Dakota Student Government Association will support a resolution in favor of a program allowing people over the age of 18 who received a Class 1 or Class 2 misdemeanor in Clay County to forgo conviction by completing a series of activities. Senators of SGA voted 18 to 5 Jan. 28 on […]
Students could work off alcohol minors in program proposed by SGA
A bill was proposed to the Student Government Association Tuesday that would allow people who received alcohol minors to essentially work the conviction off their record with a program run by the Clay County State’s Attorney, Teddi Gertsma. The bill stated is someone received a minor, they would have the ability to try to avoid […]
Two campaigns declare intent to run for SGA president, vice president
Two campaigns for Student Government Association executive candidates were declared at Tuesday’s SGA meeting. Petitions for executive teams and senate candidates are due by 5 p.m. Feb. 4 to SGA’s office, while voting is scheduled for March 4-5 on the myU portal. Below is a brief Q & A with the declared candidates. Presidential Candidate […]
More than 60 turn out for SGA meeting
Senators of the Student Government Association may be in position to act as the representative voice of the student body, but some student were angered by Tuesday night’s meeting to find their own voices cut short by SGA proceedings. “I just wanted to be heard,” said graduate student Lydia Graslie. Graslie was among the largest […]
No more butts about it: USD smoking ban looms
First, they came for the smoking urns. Joining the ranks of approximately 826 other colleges and universities in the U.S., the University of South Dakota’s smoke-free campus policy will be out in full force Jan. 9 — posters, decals and all. With the bright red smoking urns being removed, students will return to a USD […]
Proposed bill draws large crowd, mixed reactions at Tuesday SGA meeting
A Student Government Association bill to reserve senate seats for “traditionally marginalized” student organizations drew one of the largest turnouts ever to SGA’s Dec. 10 meeting, according to President Erik Muckey. Senate Bill 62 would require adding four at-large senate seats for 10 designated “traditionally marginalized” organizations. Debate during the meeting centered around three strong […]
USD website updates scheduled to be done by the fall semester
The University of South Dakota’s marketing and information technology web teams are working alongside a contracted website design firm to update the university’s website and MyU portal. According to USD Marketing and Relations Director Tena Haraldson, without any unexpected roadblocks, the teams are expecting both jobs to be done by the beginning of the 2014 […]