New organization founded to represent Nepalese culture

The Nepalese Student Association (NSA) was formed earlier this semester to celebrate events and create a welcoming environment to the increasing numbers of Nepalese students at USD. Chandra Karki, NSA’s president and a senior chemistry major, planned Dashain, the group’s first event on campus. He traveled to Miami in late September to learn about how […]

4 mins read

Political science league hosts annual debate

The College Democrats and College Republicans went head to head in Farber Hall  Wednesday night at the annual political science league debate. Health care plans, international relations and the second amendment were all touched on during the debate. Jordan Hanson, a senior political science major; Jaedon Foreman, a sophomore business administration major; and Nick Josko, […]

2 mins read

Halloween in the Halls an ‘exciting’ experience for first-year students

Costumed children trick-or-treated down the halls of North Complex Monday night for Halloween in the Halls. Sponsored by the Residence Hall Association (RHA), students signed up to hand out candy in their residence halls in North Complex. Students are provided candy and a door sign by RHA and the housing department. This year $4,000 was […]

1 min read

Students, community members address domestic violence

Yearlong efforts to fundraise and bring attention to the issue of domestic violence have seen an increase on campus and in the community during October, Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Bridget Diamond-Welch, assistant professor of political science, teaches a family violence class that looks at domestic violence and child abuse. You can click here to know how […]

6 mins read

Photo gallery: Brokaw, Legvold return to campus

Two USD graduates returned to campus for a special event. Iconic journalist Tom Brokaw and Russia expert Robert Legvold shared their opinions on United States and Russia relations. The alumni held a question and answer session with USD students and community members in the afternoon. Brokaw fondly remembers his time growing up in South Dakota […]

4 mins read

Graduate assistants balance work, classes

There are about 450 graduate assistants currently teaching on campus. Learning to balance their student and assistant responsibilities helps them prepare for post-graduation. Ranjit Koodali, the dean of graduate education, said there are four types of GAs. Benefits Koodali said the biggest benefit students receive from being a graduate assistant is the stipend. “The South Dakota […]

7 mins read

President Abbott addresses student body at his last Dakota Days pep rally

The Dakota Days pep rally had an impressive showing on Friday night in the Muenster University Center. Sophomore Sami King said she’s confident in the ability of the high-ranking USD football team. “I’m excited that we’re sixth in the nation, and I know we’re going to win tomorrow,” she said. Sophomore Marlee Jones said the […]

1 min read