Law School sends support to Native American children targeted in Rapid City

The Native American Law Students Association at the University of South Dakota gathered in the School of Law courtroom last week to send cards of encouragement to a group of Native American elementary students from the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, following an incident last month in which the students were racially discriminated against by fans at a Rapid […]

3 mins read

SD Delegation Criticizes Obama’s Veto On Keystone XL Pipline

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) — South Dakota’s Republican congressional delegation is criticizing the president’s veto of a bill to approve construction of the Keystone XL oil pipeline. Sen. John Thune, South Dakota’s senior senator, says President Barack Obama’s veto is disappointing but not surprising. The pipeline proposed by TransCanada Corp. would transport Canadian oil through […]

1 min read