Board of Regents approves USD projects
The Board of Regents approved two projects for the University of South Dakota at its Oct. 10 meeting. Part of the BOR’s meeting was to discuss the 2013 Board-Sponsored Legislation. If approved, the legislation would go to the South Dakota Legislature in January for approval USD requested to move two pieces of legislation. The first […]
Hidden files continue to go ignored
One of the shining jewels of the University of South Dakota is hidden in a basement, slowly falling apart. Located in the basement of Dakota Hall, the Oral History Center is home to South Dakota’s most valuable interviews and transcripts dating as far back as the mid-1800s. These audio clips and written interviews include some […]
USD has emergency evacuation plans in place
Last year, the University of South Dakota had two bomb scares — one in the Arts & Sciences building when a bomb threat was written on a bathroom stall and another in Coyote Village when unidentified material was found in a jar — that called for building evacuation. Within the last month, North Dakota State […]
Oct. 3 1. Officer on bike patrol encountered an 18-year-old Vermillion male with an open container at the 300 block of N. Dakota St. Male was cited for underage consumption of alcohol. Oct. 4 2. A 20-year-old Vermillion male was arrested for trespassing at the Charcoal Lounge on the 10 block of E. Main. Offender […]
Alcohol citations spike over D-Days
According to the University Police Department, illegal activities during Dakota Days at the University of South Dakota remained comparable to last year’s D-Days, with a slight increase in non-student participation. As of Oct. 9, UPD documented a total of 48 incidents in which either referrals or citations were issued. Out of the 48 incidents, there […]
Vandals pursued
The Vermillion Police Department is still investigating a series of vandalism that occurred in the early hours of Sept. 29. According to Detective Robin Hower, the vandal or vandals slashed tires, bashed windshields and caused other minor damage to approximately 23 vehicles. The suspect or suspects also entered multiple vehicles with the intent to steal […]
Police begin prep
As Dakota Days 2012 moves into the weekend, police forces around the area are preparing for the high intake of traffic expected to hit Vermillion for the homecoming celebration. University Police Department Lt. Dallas Schnack said D-Days is the busiest time of the year for all officers on staff. “It’s important that we’re prepared for […]
Sept. 27 1. Officers encountered a drunk driver near the 10 block of Center St. A 23-year-old Sioux City man was arrested and charged with DWI. 2. Police caught a 22-year-old male urinating in public at the 10 block of Elm St. Male was charged with public disorderly conduct. 3. Department received a call of […]
New policy sees no issues in halls
This fall, the University of South Dakota became the first Board of Regents’ university to permit alcohol in select residence halls. Pertaining only to McFadden and Coyote Village, the new rule states any student who is of age and consents to the regulations outlined in the policy are eligible for the designated housing option. Phil […]
‘Last Friday Night’
Underage referrals and citations for consumption of alcohol have tripled this year at the University of South Dakota compared to 2011, police officials said. According to the University Police Department, as of Sept. 24, 49 arrests and 48 referrals dealing with underage drinking have been documented since Jan. 1, 2012. UPD Lt. Dallas Schnack said that […]