People of the Pack: Dragana Lunic
Dragana Lunic is a junior majoring in international studies. Morgan Matzen: What are your career goals? Dragana Lunic: I’m hoping to join the Peace Corps after I graduate. Maybe I’ll do some foreign affair work at an embassy or something like that, or teach English abroad. I think I’d like the teaching abroad the most, […]
Volunteer firefighters dedicated to protecting community, saving lives
Fighting fires is just one more commitment for the 20 full-time students that volunteer for the Vermillion Fire Department. Vermillion EMS deputy chief Matt Callahan said the volunteers bring a new atmosphere to the department. “They’re a younger generation of people, so I think it helps with that, helps with the diversity of the department,” he […]
Adopt-A-Grandparent a chance for students to gain volunteer experience, friendships
Through volunteering, some USD students have gained grandparents away from home. SERVE’s Adopt-a-Grandparent program requires students to visit with their assigned “grandparent” once a week at the Sanford Care Center to socialize and create longtime friendships. Kayla Mitzell and Gladys Rasmussen Sophomore Kayla Mitzell has been involved with Adopt-A-Grandparent since she was a first-year, and […]
Sophomores form The Undergrads, cover rock hits
A fresh-faced band of sophomores known as “The Undergrads” just hit the scene in Vermillion. Following in the footsteps of The Beards, a band of professors, is Liz Kubal (singer), Spencer Andreson (guitar) and Riley Ackerman (drums). The Undergrads headlined for The Beards last Friday at The Varsity Pub, where the basement was filled with […]
Three seniors share experiences in research, science
For students involved in research, USD offers many opportunities to get involved. Three seniors, all who’ve been involved in research for years, shared their experiences in research, why they’re passionate about science and how USD helped them get where they are today. Jade Fostvedt Jade Fostvedt, a senior chemistry major, has being doing research since […]
Read2Soar helps improve students’ reading, confidence
USD alumna Bonni Boschee has committed herself to creating an open environment for students of all ages to improve their reading skills. Boschee created the Read2Soar program, which improves the reading level of students in a matter of months, after she spent more than 16 years in education. Clients meet with her once a week […]
Reggae-loving professor reflects on teaching, writing
Sixteen years after the start of his teaching career, David Moskowitz is still writing, playing music and learning more about his field. Moskowitz, a professor of musicology, has been at USD for 16 years. Raised in Pittsburgh, PA, he earned his bachelor’s and master’s at the University of Ohio. He then earned his doctorate at […]
People of the Pack: Madeline Huglen
Madeline Huglen is a sophomore nursing student from Roseau, MN. Morgan Matzen: What are your career goals? Madeline Huglen: I want to be a nurse somewhere, but I don’t really know what kind of area. I just want to help people and watch them achieve their goals and get better. MM: Where do you want […]
Sound of USD students dedicate time, hard work to music
Passion, dedication and persistence are core values for the Sound of USD members. The Sound of USD includes about 100 students who all enjoy what they do: showcasing music for the USD community. This enthusiasm can be seen through the marching band and the pep band, both of which are groups under the umbrella of […]
USD welcomes new Center for Diversity & Community director
USD has a new leader on campus who will continue to advocate for diversity and inclusiveness. Adetokunbo Oredein is the new director of the Center for Diversity & Community, announced before spring break. Oredein was offered the position in January, and officially started at USD on March 2 with a welcome event at the CDC. Oredein […]