Law school professor seen as ‘asset’ to students, Indian law

USD law professor Frank Pommersheim, who recently received the Distinguished Achievement for the Humanities from the South Dakota Humanities Council in November, has been teaching Indian law at USD since 1984. While this is one of many awards Pommersheim has received, he’s known best on campus for his engaging teaching style and passion for Indian […]

3 mins read

Confetti, toilet paper and ‘good vibes’ abundant at The Varsity Saturday night

“Everybody vibe out right now!” This demand from Tenenbaums guitarist Brandon Phrommany was the theme of the evening at The Varsity Pub in downtown Vermillion Saturday night. The night featured bands from Sioux Falls, including Lemmons, Meriwether Raindelay, Androgynous Squash and Tenenbaums. Lemmons, which was originally a solo act by Jacob Lemme, kicked off the […]

4 mins read