Serengetee offers marketing experience

Junior Madison Mills is giving University of South Dakota students a way to get involved in something bigger than themselves, all while practicing her marketing skills. Mills, who is majoring in business with a specialization in marketing, saw a link on Facebook for the clothing brand Serengetee and applied on a whim to be a campus representative the day before the […]

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Costume department gears up for shows

Costume studio manager Bethany Padron knows first-hand what the process of creating costumes is like, since she’s involved in fashioning all the costumes for the Theatre Department’s productions. Graduating from the University of North Carolina Art Institute, Padron has taken her skills and applied them to the University of South Dakota Theatre Department, working to share her knowledge […]

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Sound of USD shapes drum majors’ futures

From conducting Miley Cyrus’ “Wrecking Ball” to Mozart’s classic compositions, the Sound of USD’s drum majors are preparing for their futures.  With practices and performances throughout the week, marching band involvement serves as a second life to 110 University of South Dakota students involved in the program. Senior Sam Schroeder, head drum major, said the program is challenging yet rewarding. Seeking […]

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International Partner Program connects international students with USD partners

As first-year international student Michelle Allotey walked through the Muenster University Center with a friendly smile, something stood out. She was nicely dressed compared to the usual students’ attire of jeans and sweatshirts. “In Ghana, when you’re going to school it’s more like a fashion show,” Allotey said. “Everyone wants to wear heels and look […]

4 mins read

Literature project urges students out of comfort zones

Through several disciplines, the University of South Dakota works to help students embrace their creative side. One organization, the Vermillion Literary Project, is devoted to promoting creative writing and contemporary poetry to all ages, stretching from the campus into the community. The project had the first of its poetry slam-style open mic nights Sept. 25, where students and community […]

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