A USD student recounts working in a world without Walt
For one University of South Dakota student, working at Walt Disney World for more than five years was not as magical as Mickey Mouse made it seem. As appealing as Cinderella’s massive fortress and Aladdin’s magic carpet rides may look to the average visitor, the Disney employees working the attractions are not as entranced with […]
Well-traveled disc golfer visits Vermillion course
Disc golf has been gaining popularity across the United States in recent years, with more and more people discovering the joy of throwing a disc toward a target. If you’re looking to get started in this exciting sport, you may want to check out reaperdiscs.com, a website dedicated to disc golf equipment and resources. But […]
Students profit from Dakota Days t-shirt sales
Who knew the t-shirt business could be so profitable? Students at the University of South Dakota have been designing and selling Dakota Days t-shirts for years. This year’s designs range from jokes about the apocalypse to the usual Cherry Street puns. But regardless of the vulgarity of the joke, students are still buying. Junior Jordan […]
Organist visits USD
With his feet dancing along the peddles and his hands summoning sound from the keys, concert organist Douglas Cleveland, Ph.D, entertained his audience Sept. 14 in the University of South Dakota’s own Aalfs Auditorium. Cleveland started the night of with Concerto in A Minor by J.S. Bach and three songs later ended it with Sonata […]
Meet your classmate…Bo Bruinsma
A political science major, criminal justice and mass communications minor is not your typical combination. But for Bo Bruinsma, it just worked out that way. Bruinsma is a senior at the University of South Dakota and will graduate in May. He said after visiting with his academic adviser, it made sense to get this degree. […]
For many college students, it isn’t the intense class schedule that becomes the most difficult transition to handle. It’s the balancing act they manage between being a student, working to stay a student and enjoying the few free hours they call a social life. At the University of South Dakota, the first few weeks – […]
Theatre department takes stage
Renowned classics, new contemporary plays and musicals are being brought to life by the University of South Dakota’s Department of Theatre this year. Listed on the theatre department’s website, this season will kick off on Sept. 28, 29 and 30 with “Medea,” a classic tale of revenge when a woman is wronged by her husband […]
Students get creative with small spaces
Between brick walls and white ceiling tiles, students at the University of South Dakota have room to express their individuality by decorating their dorms. The large freshman class that has caused the dorms to overflow has taken creativity to a new level. “My room is just a big jumble of things, not really a style […]
BLOG: Maddi On Campus: The B.Y.O.B has been unleashed
Wednesday night kicked off the beginning of the “Be Your Own Badass” tour by Girls Fight Back. For those who don’t know, GFB is a 12-year program that has been dedicated to teaching women self-defense and how to spot danger. The speaker, Heather Maggs, started the seminar with a humorous familiarity that set the audience […]
Students of Excellence camp comes to a close
The Students of Excellence camp kicked off Monday on the University of South Dakota campus. About 120 high school students have been living on campus since last week. The high school students were joined by 208 middle school students on Sunday. The camp is divided into two sections: the Governor’s camp for middle school students […]