Non-profit comes to university

According to the World Health Organization, 121 million people worldwide suffer from depression. A national non-profit organization, To Write Love on Her Arms, is seeking to educate University of South Dakota students about depression, self-injury and suicide during their presentation Wednesday, Nov. 9 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. in Aalfs Auditorium. Freshman Megan Valandra said […]

3 mins read

Student directors debut

When he presents his one-act play this coming weekend, graduate student Jaehoon Kim will be presenting his work to an American audience for the first time. “I was a director in (South) Korea, but it’s my first time directing in the United States,” Kim said. Kim said he may have a different cultural background from […]

6 mins read

Percussion concert to feature student-written work

Darin Wadley, associate professor of music and percussion ensemble instructor, is trying something completely different for this year’s percussion ensemble concert than he ever has at the University of South Dakota. “Traditionally we pick pieces that have been written for us,” Wadley said. “This semester I wanted to do a techno-themed opportunity.” USD’s percussion ensemble […]

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