Comedian Anthony Jeselnik kicks off Dakota Days in Aalfs Auditorium
Another year, another Dakota Days, another comedian. The University of South Dakota kicked off the week by bringing in comedian Anthony Jeselnik, who performed in front of a large crowd in Slagle Hall’s Aalfs Auditorium. Jeselnik began his routine by saying, “I have never been to South Dakota, but I can now cross Vermillion off my […]
@FakeJimAbbott identity revealed
Dear fellow USD students, @FakeJimAbbott has been a blast, but know its goal was much more than just cracking jokes. To be honest, it did pretty much start out that way. I wanted to know if I could make a parody account on Twitter just like the rest of the big ones out there, but […]
Online sensation to receive this year’s Neuharth Award
Without even knowing what the word “viral” meant, 86-year-old Marilyn Hagerty sent the Internet world into a frenzy after reviewing a newly-opened Olive Garden in her home of Grand Forks, N.D. Now, Hagerty, a University of South Dakota alumna, is this year’s recipient of the annual Al Neuharth Award for Excellence in the Media. Hagerty […]
BLOG: From cooties to classes, cute couselor cures the Girl in the Glasses
Since I crossed the border from “Boys Have Cooties-ville” to “Hey He’s Kind of Cute Town,” I have fulfilled just about every young adult romantic comedy cliché I can think of. Some of these instances resulted in relationships of varying duration, while others were nothing more than periods of wistful admiration from afar. I’ve fallen […]
BLOG: The…Healthy…Side to Drinking
As a recenty-turned 21 year old, I find it very appropriate to tackle the issue of trying to live a healthy lifestyle, but also enjoy the social life that comes with being 21. Before I turned 21, the only thing I worried about was how to afford it, because the bar scene is spendy! Now, […]
BLOG: Entering the ‘mullet danger zone’
Forty-two days ago, on Aug. 15, I got my last real valtrex online no prescription In another 57 days, around Thanksgiving break, I will receive my first shaping. At this point, I have entered the beginning phase of Stage 2 — ‘The Bieber Bob.’ But more importantly, I have entered the sixth week […]
BLOG: I’m sorry
I like meeting new people; Everybody has a story to tell, and if they don’t have a story, maybe one day, they’ll become really rich, remember that you were nice to them once and let you crash at their mansion. This weekend I met lots of new people, but I ended up spending more time […]
BLOG: Sorority Horrors
For those of us in the Fraternity system, the fall season represents a return to the college life. Another whole year to strengthen bonds with our brothers, find and recruit new men to join us and of course, the chance to spend some time with the lovely members of the sororities. They represent their individual […]
BLOG: Farewell @USDSorostitute
“Are you in a sorority? You should probably tweet about how much you miss your sisters over the summer, its so precious…” Thank you for those words of wisdom @CondescendingCharlie. Thank you. Due to the recent spike of condescending and/or sarcastic twitter accounts, Greek life has been taking a hit. Sororities are constantly being ripped a new […]
Columnist: Addictions are harmless passions
I am writing this column on a Mac that does not belong to me. I am not a Mac person. I never have been and I never will be, but everyone tells me I need to buy one or my life will never be complete. I know this is not true. I already have a […]