Got a new Twitter account? Make sure you add these to your feed
For anyone out there thinking about getting a Twitter account, or has one and doesn’t know what to do with it, here is a quick guide to some of the better accounts to follow. For any news junkies, Twitter is a dream come true. Most media outlets these days have accounts that tweet the latest […]
REVIEW: ‘House of Balloons’ is too hard to turn off
The Weeknd are the latest musical phenomena take listeners’ speakers by storm. Still relatively unknown, the Weeknd — no, that’s not a typo — have recently exploded onto the scene with their first self-released album, “House of Balloons.” With an R&B sound similar to Frank Ocean with dubby influences, The Weeknd have certainly found their […]
Take some tips on filing taxes from VITA
Taxes are due April 18 this year because a Washington, D.C., holiday falls on the usual April 15 date and is followed by a Saturday. Third-year law student Weston Cole has spent time learning about how to file income taxes as a member of USD’s Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program. He spoke with reporter Josie […]
COLUMN: A hundred years, minus a day
Dear Friend, I want to take the time out of my life to apologize to you. It is my sincerest hope that you listen, though I surely do not deserve it. I’ve been sitting in my kitchen for hours now reflecting on the matter at hand. The matter, of course, is the fact that I’ve […]
REVIEW: Sweet Valley hasn’t changed much 10 years later
If you were a young girl growing up in the ’90s, chances are you’ve read at least one “Sweet Valley Twins” book in your lifetime. It’s probably been 10 years since most Sweet Valley fans sat down and relived the adventures of Elizabeth and Jessica Wakefield, so it’s only fitting for Francine Pascal to update […]
Audience will get to ‘Spell’ along
Musical. Definition: involving or set to music. M-U-S-I-C-A-L. Musical. Students at the University of South Dakota can relive their middle grade spelling bee days this weekend with the Department of Theatre’s final performance of “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee.” “Bee” is a one-act musical comedy chronicling the experience of six children as they […]
REVIEW: Toddla T’s ‘Skanky Skanky’ album has an island party vibe
Last week when I turned on Sheffield, United Kingdom native’s Toddla T’s album “Skanky Skanky,” I was not expecting to have my definition of “party music” be changed. Mashing styles of all types from dance hall, reggae, drum and bass, pop, grime and techno, Toddla T’s 2009 release “Skanky Skanky” is one of the most […]
How many steps do you take?
Students with a busy schedule, especially around finals time, might be cutting exercise out of their daily routine. But just because you’re not heading to the Wellness Center every day doesn’t mean you’re not living an active lifestyle. It’s easy to fit an active lifestyle into regular student routine by simply choosing to walk more […]
Study foreign fashion before traveling abroad
Like many of my fellow University of South Dakota students, I am preparing to travel to Dallas Tx this summer to study. Anyone else who is doing this is aware of the stress that comes along with making all the necessary arrangements can cause. Figuring out travel costs, compiling the necessary legal documents and trip […]
COLUMN: Be smart when battling the undead hoard
In order to prepare for this weekend’s zombie apocalypse, better known as the Humans vs. Zombies tag game starting Saturday at 10 a.m., The Volante, after scouring the many texts and films dedicated to the zombie menace, has prepared a list of do’s and don’ts in order to survive a zombie invasion because we all […]