OVERheard: 11/22/11

“Her uterus is probably going to fall out and no one is going to do anything about it.” – Neuharth building “Stop it.” “That was a delayed reaction.” “You’re a delayed reaction.” “That’s a good comeback.” “Your mom’s a good comeback.” – Neuharth building “Rice Krispies treats prove you can make anything taste better by […]

1 min read

VERMnacular: 25 feet, adj.

1. The distance away from doors smokers are supposed to stand at the University of South Dakota. 2. An intangible distance most smokers and non-smokers fail to readily identify. 3. The length of the world’s largest snake, Medusa. Origin: USD adopted its policy of no smoking within 25 feet after many expressed their displeasure with […]

1 min read

THE RANT: 11/22/11

Dear students who play with their balls — basketballs, footballs or otherwise, We understand that it’s something that you enjoy doing and it’s very satisfying, but there is a time and place for this. That time and place isn’t out in the public hallways of the North Complex at 3 a.m. A friendly game of […]

1 min read

In a Nutshell: Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is the most American of all holidays. Though it is often forgotten in the commercially-driven retail world — which simultaneously sells Halloween and Christmas items while paying no heed to turkey day — Thanksgiving is a time for family, travel and, of course, food. Our culture has largely become one of laziness and overeating, […]

1 min read

OVERheard: 11/16/11

“Police should yell ‘Pikachu’ before they taze someone.” – North Complex “Did you realize OK is a sideways person?” – Neuharth building “That’s an embarrassing conversation to have in public. A friend just called me for Pokemon advise.” – Neuharth building “Being pie-eyed isn’t nearly as cool as it sounds.” – Main Street “Why do […]

1 min read