OVERheard: 11/22/11
“Her uterus is probably going to fall out and no one is going to do anything about it.” – Neuharth building “Stop it.” “That was a delayed reaction.” “You’re a delayed reaction.” “That’s a good comeback.” “Your mom’s a good comeback.” – Neuharth building “Rice Krispies treats prove you can make anything taste better by […]
VERMnacular: 25 feet, adj.
1. The distance away from doors smokers are supposed to stand at the University of South Dakota. 2. An intangible distance most smokers and non-smokers fail to readily identify. 3. The length of the world’s largest snake, Medusa. Origin: USD adopted its policy of no smoking within 25 feet after many expressed their displeasure with […]
THE RANT: 11/22/11
Dear students who play with their balls — basketballs, footballs or otherwise, We understand that it’s something that you enjoy doing and it’s very satisfying, but there is a time and place for this. That time and place isn’t out in the public hallways of the North Complex at 3 a.m. A friendly game of […]
In a Nutshell: Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is the most American of all holidays. Though it is often forgotten in the commercially-driven retail world — which simultaneously sells Halloween and Christmas items while paying no heed to turkey day — Thanksgiving is a time for family, travel and, of course, food. Our culture has largely become one of laziness and overeating, […]
COLUMN: Veterans Day more than a holiday
Last Friday, people across America remembered the sacrifices of all those who have fought and died in America’s wars. What we might forget is that Veterans Day was created to commemorate one particularly horrible war: World War I, which ended at 11 a.m. on the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918. I never […]
COLUMN: News literacy is vital in today’s day and age
I sometimes find myself in conversations with people about journalism and the media and find myself defending the profession and its practices. What I often discover in these conversations is the journalism industry does not do a good enough job of explaining what makes up a newspaper and the media in general. And it’s not […]
COLUMN: Scandals pervade college sports
I never want to hear another person tell me that college football is a pure sport in comparison to professional football. If this argument had been in question the last few years, the Penn State sex abuse scandal has effectively killed it. What has occurred in Happy Valley has the potential to go down as […]
In the Know & In the Dark 11/16/11
IN THE KNOW: The USD Football team is playing for a share of the conference title. The D-I transition looks like a success. IN THE DARK: Price tags on art in the fine arts building. Instead of looking at your art, students scoff at the price tag. IN THE KNOW: The return of the USD […]
EDITORIAL: Smoking policy changes require student input
The Student Government association has proposed another change to the smoking policy at the Universtiy of South Dakota. The SGA met on Nov. 15 to discuss a resolution which would ask the university to craft a new, more restrictive smoking policy. The current policy on campus allows smoking as long as the smoker is not […]
OVERheard: 11/16/11
“Police should yell ‘Pikachu’ before they taze someone.” – North Complex “Did you realize OK is a sideways person?” – Neuharth building “That’s an embarrassing conversation to have in public. A friend just called me for Pokemon advise.” – Neuharth building “Being pie-eyed isn’t nearly as cool as it sounds.” – Main Street “Why do […]