In A Nutshell: The Republican presidential pool
Are the Republicans putting their best foot forward? Running through the list of front-runners certainly makes you wonder if they’re taking this election seriously. The flavor-of-the-month tastes a bit like Newt, though it recently tasted like Godfather’s pizza. Let’s take a look at these candidates for the highest office in the land. Newt Gingrich, the […]
COLUMN: Is capital punishment the answer?
The subject of capital punishment has been brought back into current events in South Dakota. Ronald Johnson was killed during a failed prison escape on April 12, 2011. Johnson was a 23-year veteran of the South Dakota Department of Corrections and was assaulted by two inmates on his 63rd birthday. By no means did Johnson […]
COLUMN: USD website and technology pitiful
There are few things more infuriating to me than when technology fails to do as it is supposed to do. At the University of South Dakota, this is the norm, not the exception. The most recent technology frustration I encountered was with the online program evaluation on WebAdvisor. This is the only tool the university […]
GUEST SUBMISSION: Student input wanted at SGA
The Student Government Association will be considering a Smoking Ban Resolution at its Tuesday, Nov. 15 meeting. The Smoking Ban Resolution calls for a campus-wide smoking ban. If passed, the resolution would recommend a change to the current policy, which prohibits smoking within 25 feet of any building entryway. Dr. Van Peursem of the math […]
EDITORIAL: Inevitable snow dictates parking and driving
It’s the time of year when snow can fall suddenly and in large amounts. There have already been a couple false alarms. Every winter, Vermillion institutes an unusual parking policy for many of the streets south of the university. The policy alternates which side of the street can be used for parking based on even […]
THE RANT: 11/09/11
Dear fellow parking violators at the University of South Dakota, After complaining about the poor or unfair parking of individuals around me, I went ahead — with brash hypocrisy — and decided to park in the lot west of the Muenster University Center. This would’ve been fine if I had used a meter, but I […]
In the Know & In the Dark 11/9/11
IN THE KNOW: President Abbott, SGA President Michels and the Coyote Statue Committee finally picked the winner of the Coyote Statue competition. IN THE KNOW: Val Hoeppner from the Freedom Forum Diversity Institute teaching a great class on mobile journalism to a select group of students. The students developed a lot of new skills, and […]
VERMnacular: Three-day weekend
1. A period of three days occurring several times during the school year. Causes of the three-day-weekend vary, but each occurrence is marked by a decrease in the population of Vermillion and a decrease of beer supplies at gas stations, grocery stores and the liquor store. Studying sometimes occurs on the third day. Sample 1: “Are […]
OVERheard 11/9/11
“Just open up the sides and give it to ‘em!” – Main street “I don’t think our balls like us.” – Prairie lanes “Can we do that tiger thing now?” – Neuharth building “He eats at McDonald’s, it means he’s human.” – Neuharth building “Let’s start a Facebook game called ‘Oldville’” – the muc “You […]
COLUMN: No excuse for avoiding social media
Welcome to the age of technology. I can still remember when my family didn’t own a personal computer, yet now my mom, dad and sisters all own their own laptops. That’s just the beginning. Now, I have a smart phone with more processing power than our first desktop computer. I can receive email and news from […]