OVERheard 11/9/11
“Just open up the sides and give it to ‘em!” – Main street “I don’t think our balls like us.” – Prairie lanes “Can we do that tiger thing now?” – Neuharth building “He eats at McDonald’s, it means he’s human.” – Neuharth building “Let’s start a Facebook game called ‘Oldville’” – the muc “You […]
COLUMN: No excuse for avoiding social media
Welcome to the age of technology. I can still remember when my family didn’t own a personal computer, yet now my mom, dad and sisters all own their own laptops. That’s just the beginning. Now, I have a smart phone with more processing power than our first desktop computer. I can receive email and news from […]
THE RANT: Dear Reading Public
Dear Reading Public, Get out there and make some news. Like, seriously. Have you read the last few issues of The Volante? Nothing is happening in this town. And as we know, the sole purpose of current events is to give the pundits something to talk about. Otherwise, how do you justify the existence of […]
OVERheard 11/2/11
“Pedestrians have the menu.” – MCDONALD’S “You owe me a one.” – CHERRY STREET “It’s Batman, Robin and super baby!” – DAKOTA STREET “I think it’s December for the Cowboys trick-or-treaters.” – COTTAGE AVE “Herman Cain’s campaign ad makes me want to smoke, not vote for
COLUMN: UNESCO a scapegoat for US policymakers
The United States’ foreign policy needs an identity. We supported the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak in Egypt, Saddam Hussein in Iraq, Moammar Gadhafi in Libya and would like to see changes in Yemen, Syria, Iran and many other countries around the world. Yet we still refuse acknowledge the right of the Palestinian people to have […]
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Feedback can’t be swept aside
The University of South Dakota is wasting time and money. It seems the Muenster University Center project was not fully researched to begin with. USD now wants to spend more time, money and resources to do what it should have at the outset of the project: find the true needs and utilizations of the building. […]
EDITORIAL: Comments on Volante Web site out of hand
The Volante has had to make a change recently to our Web site. One that may not be taken positively by some. No longer may you comment freely on the articles that appear. You may still comment; however, we must approve each and every comment made. For most newspapers and other media outlets that provide […]