Delegate Jueun Nam reflects on Girls State, her move to America
By Kailey Jacobsen, Sacajawea Scroll Many South Dakotans take pride in being born and raised in their home state. However, for one Girls State delegate, this is a second home. Jueun Nam, a delegate from New York, was born in South Korea. She moved to America with her parents and older brother when she was six years […]
Ducheneaux focuses on youth, building relationships as newly elected governor
By Margaret Barnett, Sacajawea Scroll Calico Ducheneaux has taken great interest in getting to know the delegates at South Dakota Girls State. Now that she is governor, she is excited to have the opportunity to meet and affect even more delegates. “I could not be more excited. I could not be more proud,” said Esther Swift, Ducheneaux’s […]
K-9 officer Reno entertains and educates Girls Staters; demonstrates the importance of canines in police forces
By Addy Nelson, Sacajawea Scroll Girls State delegates awed over two canines Thursday afternoon and learned important information while they were at it. Girls Staters attended the K-9 demonstration in Aalfs Auditorium Slagle Hall. From the Yankton Police Department Sgt. Jason Foote, Officer Pat Nolz and Officer Kyler Pekarek conducted a demonstration to explain why the […]
Forensic investigation thrusts delegates into mock crime
By Rebekah Bahn, Sacajawea Scroll As Detective Crystal Brady and Evidence Manager Dallas Schnack from the Vermillion Police Department along with Roanoke lawyers for criminal justice explained the basics of investigative crime scenes, a young girl nonchalantly walked into the lecture hall, grabbed Brandy’s water bottle and slipped out of the room as quietly as she […]
Column: Consent matters in violent crimes against women, should be taken seriously
By Talliah Pilker, Sacajawea Scroll “She was dressed like a slut. She was asking for it.” “She sleeps with everyone so, it doesn’t matter if she said no.” “She was drunk at a party. She should have known it was going to happen.” Every single one of these sentences is something victims of rape have […]
Rounds focuses on work force, politics during speech
By Morgan Roberts, Sacajawea Scroll In a presentation to Girls State delegates, U.S. Sen. Mike Rounds spoke about entering political fields as well as the work force in general. Rounds made an appearance at general assembly in Aalfs Auditorium Slagle Hall Thursday morning. “Public service takes a lot of different forms,” Rounds said. “Make this world better […]
South Dakota Attorney General Jackley discusses issues, run for governor with Girls State delegates
By Jasmine Snow, Sacajawea Scroll South Dakota Attorney General Marty Jackley took the stage during Thursday morning’s general assembly in Aalfs Auditorium Slagle Hall. “You know, I love days like today because as I look out there, I truly see the future of South Dakota,” Jackley said. His speech heavily stressed the importance of experiences […]
Federalist candidate Ducheneaux pushes authenticity
By Margaret Barnett, Sacajawea Scroll Calico Ducheneaux inspires Girls State delegates with her strong voice. From answers to questions on stage to her ability to sing in the Girls State talent show, Ducheneaux uses her voice to promote causes important to her. Her strong beliefs regarding aid to Native American populations and her choice to meet Sitting […]
Governor candidate Kolberg advocates empowerment
By Kailey Jacobsen, Sacajawea Scroll Humility and genuineness have always been important to Reagan Kolberg. The Nationalist candidate for the 2018 American Legion Auxiliary Girls State governor position, Kolberg has embraced these qualities during her campaign. “When I speak to the girls at our convention, I speak from the bottom of my heart. It’s really important […]
Chorus brings Girls Staters together in new friendships
By Morgan Roberts, Sacajawea Scroll Girls State chorus kicked off Tuesday evening with its first group practice in Aalfs Auditorium Slagle Hall. The choir is made up of sopranos, mezzo-sopranos and altos. Vocalists spent the first evening running through respective parts and focusing on the way their voices came together as a whole. One delegate spoke […]