Girls Staters see many options at career fair
By Addy Nelson, Sacajawea Scroll NASA scientist? Teacher? News director? Musician? These careers and many others are all considerations for Girls Staters when choosing a future. On Wednesday afternoon, delegates had the chance to meet with college recruiters and explore possible careers at the Muenster University Center at the University of South Dakota. Girls State offers […]
Thune encourages Girls State delegates to get involved
By Margaret Barnett, Sacajawea Scroll U.S. Sen. John Thune encouraged Girls State delegates to find purpose and seize opportunities. Thune spoke at Wednesday morning’s general assembly in Aalfs Auditorium Slagle Hall, also touching on other topics, such as his start in politics. Encouraging delegates to get involved in their communities and South Dakota, Thune said to […]
Girls State delegates informed during flag etiquette demonstration
By Margaret Barnett, Sacajawea Scroll The flag hangs, flies, represents, instills and at the end of the day, is folded. The South Dakota Army National Guard taught Girls State delegates the proper respect citizens should pay the flag, and the proper way to fold it at the end of the day at the Tuesday night general assembly […]
Craig Kennedy advocates for women’s empowerment at Girls State
By Jasmine Snow, Sacajawea Scroll Craig Kennedy isn’t a democrat — he’s a South Dakota democrat. He made sure all the delegates sitting in the auditorium Wednesday morning walked away knowing the most important thing to him is that South Dakota comes before his party. Kennedy is a member of the Democratic Party and serves as […]
SD Public Utilities Commissioner Kristie Fiegen fired up to be at Girls State
By Margaret Barnett, Sacajawea Scroll S.D. Public Utilities Commissioner Kristie Fiegen was excited to finally be at Girls State Wednesday morning and shared that excitement in an interactive presentation. Having been an alternate in high school, Fiegen didn’t have the opportunity until now to express her desire at the American Legion Auxiliary program to encourage young girls […]
Girls State delegates fill Aalfs Auditorium with talent, gifts
By Rebekah Bahn, Sacajawea Scroll An awed hush fell across the room Wednesday night as a girl perched upon the grand piano, took a deep breath and began to sing. Her music flowed across the audience in Aalfs Auditorium like a soft wave coming across the shore. All eyes were riveted to the fearless performer, Jeanna […]
Girls State Governor Ruhama Tereda inspires others to embrace themselves
By Rebekah Bahn, Sacajawea Scroll When asked to give advice for the 2018 election candidates, Ruhama Tereda, the current American Legion Auxiliary Girls State Governor replied with these words of wisdom: Be yourself. “This week is as fun as you make it,” she replied with a smile. “People will feed off your energy and enthusiasm.” Just […]
Column: My body, my self-defense mechanism
By Jasmine Snow, Sacajawea Scroll I don’t remember the first time I felt unsafe or threatened as a woman. Let me rephrase that: I don’t remember the first time I have felt unsafe or threatened because I am a woman. Granted, this could have something to do with the ingrained sense of danger women are […]
USD professor Michael Roche asks Girls State delegates to find their talents
By Talliah Pilker, Sacajawea Scroll Who are you? Who is the girl standing beside you? These aren’t easy questions to answer, because not everyone knows their true selves yet. That’s because they haven’t found what makes them special, their individuality or their gifts, according to Michael Roche, criminal justice professor at USD. Roche spoke to Girls State […]
Emily Firman Pieper leaves lasting impression on Girls State delegates
By Addy Nelson, Sacajawea Scroll Girls State delegates entered Aalfs Auditorium Slagle Hall nervous but excited Monday night, anticipating the coming days. Emily Firman Pieper was one speaker that night with advice. In her speech, the 1994 Girls State governor compared two songs: “Breakaway” by Kelly Clarkson and “This Is Me” from the movie “The Greatest […]