Editorial: Delegates leave Girls State with confidence
As delegates gained more knowledge about government, learned about their ability to lead their peers and how involved they were, they also learned who they are when it comes to meeting new people in new environments — whether they realize it yet or not. “(I learned) the government is more complicated than I thought,” said […]
Tereda begins her legacy as Girls State governor with hopes of relating to all of South Dakota
By Lucy Dekkenga Girls State erupted as Ruhama Tereda was announced the 2017 governor, bringing two parties together in unity to celebrate the election of their new governor. A smile across her face, Tereda’s face gleamed with excitement and honor when she walked on stage to join her state officers, presented to the delegates for […]
SD Gov. Daugaard discusses leadership with delegates
By Haleigh Bebbington South Dakota Governor Dennis Daugaard received a standing ovation from a pumped-up crowd of Girls State delegates before his speech even began on Friday morning in Aalfs Auditorium Slagle Hall. Daugaard spoke with the delegates about what it means to find grit and the importance of staying in South Dakota government. “Girls […]
Canines help inform delegates about narcotic detection, K-9 units
By Chrystina Anderson When canine Reno took to the stage in Aalfs Auditorium Slage Hall Thursday morning, the Girls State audience couldn’t help but “awe.” Reno is a normal, happy and fun dog, said his handler Kyler Pekarek. He and Reno often play together when at home. But during the day, Reno works in the […]
Roche uses Mother Teresa as role model during inspirational speech
By Mollie Schmidt Part of the Girls State experience, although not always positive, is failure. Addressing that potential failure, University of South Dakota S.J.D. Criminal Justice Professor Michael Roche asked delegates or not they had run for offices this week and lost some elections. About one third of delegates raised their hands during the Thursday […]
Noem emphasizes honesty, integrity when addressing delegates
By Haleigh Bebbington Aalfs Auditorium Slagle Hall filled with excitement Thursday morning as congresswoman Kristi Noem took the stage. Noem hit on the importance of integrity and walked Girls State delegates through the process of getting involved in big government. Noem has spoken at Girls State for the past seven years and said it is […]
Waid, Tereda embrace opportunity in governor race
The final candidates to represent their party were announced Thursday morning at the General Assembly in Aalfs Auditorium. Waid, from St. Louis, was chosen to lead the Federalist Party as Ruhama Teneda from Seattle was elected as the Nationalist Candidate. The governor of South Dakota ALA Girls State is announced Friday morning and will be […]
Kennedy targets education in Wednesday speech
By Mollie Schmidt Mike Stevens and Craig Kennedy took center stage Wednesday talking about separate political parties and their political views they while encouraging Girls State delegates to try their best and get as involved as possible. Kennedy’s centered his message on post-secondary education in South Dakota. The morning assembly took place in Aalfs Auditorium […]
Stevens empowers Girls State delegates
By Haleigh Bebbington South Dakota representative Mike Stevens provided Girls State delegates with useful advice Wednesday morning about pushing boundaries and striving for bigger accomplishments. During the assembly in Aalfs Auditorium Slagle Hall, Stevens spoke about empowering women and the importance of getting involved in government. “There was a time not too long ago that […]
Grimsley leads through personality, actions and experiences
By Lucy Dekkenga Among the hundreds of women at ALA South Dakota Girls State this week, there are a few who stand out. One of them can almost always be seen smiling and holding a conversation with someone, whether it’s a delegate or an American Legion Auxiliary member. Even while sitting down for an interview […]