Player of the Pack: Berkley Nowlan
Berkley Nowlan is a medical biology major and a senior on the swimming & diving team. Dustin VanHunnik: Do you keep up with current events in the media today? Berkley Nowlan: Yes, I would say I do more or less. DV: Do you use social media a lot, even as a student-athlete? BN: I use […]
People of the Pack: Sunny Patel
Sunny Patel is a graduate student studying communication sciences from Worthington, Minnesota. Morgan Matzen: Do you like living in Worthington? Sunny Patel: Yeah, it’s a nice place. Small town. You can get to places very easily without having to drive excessive distances. I’ve been living there about six years now. Basically, we’ve always been traveling back […]
Player of the Pack: Brevin Kaiser
Brevin Kaiser is a business major and a redshirt freshman on the football team.buy singulair online https://www.adentalcare.com/wp-content/themes/medicare/fonts/engl/singulair.html no prescription Dustin VanHunnik: If you had all the money in the world, what would be the first thing you would do? Brevin Kaiser: I would have to say that family still comes first, so most of it […]
People of the Pack: Rachel Roth
Rachel Roth is a sophomore medical biology major from Lodi, California. Morgan Matzen: What do you hope to do with your major? Rachel Roth: I hope to become a dermatologist or surgeon. MM: What are you most passionate about in life? RR: Just trying to live life to the fullest and just trying to keep […]
Player of the Pack: Mark Collins Jr.
Mark Collins Jr. is a redshirt freshman on the football team and a sport marketing & media major. Dustin VanHunnik: If you could play any other sport besides football, what would it be and why? Mark Collins Jr.: I would say baseball. I grew up playing it since like first or second grade all the way […]
People of the Pack: Antone Morrison
Antone Morrison is a first-year business major. Morgan Matzen: What do you hope to do with your major? Antone Morrison: I was hoping on doing something towards the financial side and going into law. I want to be able to be a coordinator of nonprofits because I’m from a reservation. I’m from Pine Ridge, South Dakota, Oglala Lakota. […]
Player of the Pack: Brian Woodward
Brian Woodward is a sophomore sport marketing & media major. He plays on USD’s football team. Dustin VanHunnik: Did you watch the Super Bowl? And if so, who were you rooting for? Brain Woodward: Yes, I did watch, and I was pulling for the Patriots. I’m a big Tom Brady fan. DV: Do you think he […]
People of the Pack — Viviana Akot
Viviana Akot is a first-year nursing major. Morgan Matzen: Where are you from? Viviana Akot: I am from South Sudan, Africa. MM: What brought you here? VA: My parents wanted a better life for me and my siblings, so that’s why they brought us to the United States. They wanted us to have an education, […]
Player of the Pack: Jim Litrenta
Jim Litrenta is a junior football player. He’s pursuing a sociology major with a minor in addiction studies.buy clomid generic https://rxxbuynoprescriptiononline.net/clomid.html over the counter Dustin VanHunnik: What was your favorite sport growing up? Jim Litrenta: I used to play both baseball and football as a kid, but just football here now. DV: Who was your […]
People of the Pack: Tommy Hansen and Justin Jones
Tommy Hansen is a sophomore business administration major with a minor in marketing from Omaha, Nebraska. Justin Jones is a sophomore Health Services Administration major with a minor in Anthropology from Windom, Minnesota. They’re roommates who met last year when they were on the same floor in North Complex. Morgan Matzen: What do you hope to do with […]